Friday, July 5, 2013

TGIF - Feature & Follow Friday #156

FEATURE & FOLLOW FRIDAY is a blog hop that is designed to provide as much exposure towards other bloggers as well as yourself, and to expand following. It's hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each whom feature a chosen blog for a week, it's also an interesting way to get to know one another bloggers.

Today is USA's Independence Day. Share your favourite book with war in it, or an overthrow of the government. 

  • Legend by Marie Lu

  • Pure by Julianna Baggott

  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  • Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


  1. I'm about to start reading Ender's Game. I've heard some not so great things about the author...but some very good things about his books.

    I follow via bloglovin

    MY FF

  2. Out of those, I've only read The Hunger Games but am planning to read Pure soon. Great picks! I chose Game of Thrones.

    I'm already a Bloglovin follower

    Donna @ The Happy Booker

  3. I picked Hunger Games too. I am following you from the hop. I would love return followers on bloglovin please

  4. Great picks! I've only read the Hunger Games, but I've heard of Lengend. I can't wait to read those in the future. New follower via GFC.
    Hope you come read my post as well.

  5. I love Legend! I read it quite a while ago though. :) I'm a bloglovin follower!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
