
About Us

Hiiiiii!!! My name's Chloe and I'm the founder/owner and designer of this blog! I founded this blog on... blah blah 30th August 2012 when I was bored on a rainy night (Ikr?!? Rainy nights are always a depressing thing sometimes) because I thought, "Hey, since I love books so much, why don't I start a blog for fun?" And, here we go...

But anyway, I love everything and I mean, anything with YA labeled and plastered on it. (Who doesn't right???) Well I own about something of a mini library and have no desire of stopping of buying more books and well, I love chocolate. Well I'm random. Really random. Just ask Elicia if you don't believe me. 

I love drawing and designing besides reading including photography! They are things that I absolutely adore and don't forget to check out my Goodreads account and friend me! 

My fav quota: 'As I say the words, I realize how true they are. And maybe that's the trick to getting through it, through life: realizing that everybody, including ourselves, is lugging around some kind of screwed-up baggage. Maybe we are put here to help each other carry the loads.' ~ Lisa Ann Sandell

Hi everyone! I'm Elicia and I joined Girl in the Woods around 1 year ago, not long after Chloe founded the blog and I've developed a passion for blogging ever since, especially about books! 

I love to read anything YA and would do ANYTHING just to get a book I want very badly (no dirty tactics, I swear). But if you stick me in a bookstore, I won't come out until a week later after I'm done surveying each and every title on the shelves.

I also love writing, you can ask Chloe, she's read many of my works. My dream job is to become a veterinarian and work with animals. I'd also love to become a part-time author if I'm given the chance.

My favourite books are TMI, TID, Dustlands trilogy, The Darkest Powers, and The Book Thief and many more. If you wanna know more about me, why don't you email me personally at or come see my Goodreads profile.

My favourite quote: 'Love, the deadliest of all deadly things, it kills you when you have it and when you don't'---Lauren Oliver

For further more details or if you are unclear about this blog's purpose, you can contact us through our official e-mail address ( or you can leave a comment on our Contact Us page. Don't forget to follow us at @girlinthewoodsr!

Thank you.



  1. I have nominated you for the 2013 Liebster Award!

  2. HI! I found the link to your blog on a thread on Goodreads. I love your blog! And I look forward to reading more in the future. Please follow me back at Thanks!

  3. Nice blog! My blog isn't as huge as yours, I just started it. Check it out please! :)
