
Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Finally, I'm back from vacation and I'm glad to announce the blogging hiatus ends NOW! Today, we have Diane Mannino on the blog today! If you're not familiar with that name, she is an indie author who wrote the YA contemporary romance series Running From Romeo. I've read all of her books and I loved them so much!

1. Why did you choose to go into writing?

 I discovered my love for writing when I was young. I used to make up stories and English was always my favorite subject. I majored in English in college. I think I love writing so much because I love reading so much. There's nothing better than getting lost in a really great book. Do you feel that way? After college, I wrote for a couple magazines as well as a couple television shows. In a nutshell, I chose to go into writing because I always loved it!
2. You decided to self-publish your book. Why didn't you choose to publish your books through a major publishing house like Harper Collins? 

I'd love to publish through a major publishing house, but I know how hard it is. It can take years for an unknown author to get picked up by a major publisher. It took Kathryn Stockett three years to get "The Help" published. Self-publishing is a great way to get your book out there without waiting forever.

3. You've been mainly focused on romance in your books. Do you think books would be as good without romance in them?

 I love a good romance, but I also love books without it. Sometimes romance can get in the way of a good plot line. For example, there are plenty of thrillers (a genre I really enjoy) that are fantastic books and sometimes romance plays a part and it works. And other times, it's better if it's not developed. 
4. What do you think actually makes a good book? 

This questions ties in perfectly with my answer above because a good book may not have romance in it. A good book? Hmm...I think everyone has a different opinion on what makes a good book. But for me, a good book is one that draws me in from the first page, has well-developed characters, and a plot that makes you NOT want to put the book down. I also feel a really good book makes you feel a bit sad when you're done reading it. It makes you want more. :)

5. Friendship is also important in your books. Do you have friends like Chloe and Bryn in your life? 

I think we all want friends like Chloe and Bryn. I know some readers are bothered by Bryn, but she does and says everything because she's so protective of Emilia. She may come across as too overbearing, but in her heart, she only wants Emilia to be happy and safe. Don't we all want a friend like this? But I sort of went off topic! Yes, I have a couple girlfriends like them, but they drink more wine than margaritas. ;)
Haha, I absolutely get what you mean! 

6. Have you had ideas for any upcoming books?

 I wrote "Running from Romeo" and "Waiting for Romeo" with the intention of writing more books. I definitely left several unanswered questions in "Waiting for Romeo" that would be explained in future books. I hope to write more, but right now I'm busy being a mom to my two teenage daughters and I don't have much time to write at the moment! 

That is absolutely great news to hear from you!

7. How would you react if any of your books was made into a movie?

I think any author isn't being honest if they tell you they wouldn't be thrilled to have their book made into a movie! I would be super excited.

8. Will you try to venture into other genres like fantasy? 

I love the "Harry Potter" series and would absolutely love to write a series like that, but J.K. Rowling is a genius and my imagination isn't nearly as awesome as her's! I feel like my books kind of dabble a bit into other genres that I enjoy. I don't think it's strictly a "romance." There's some mystery and thriller elements to it so down the line I'd probably continue with those genres. 

9. If you could kidnap an author, who would it be and why?

 Lol! There's a couple I'd love to kidnap just to hang out with them and have a glass of wine with! Definitely J.K. Rowling, but only if she's okay with it! Stephen King would be another one and I'd have to say John Green. Why? They are all so incredibly talented!

10. What's your all-time favorite book?

 Yikes! Only one? I don't think I can choose just one. "The Great Gatsby," "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Jane Eyre" are probably my favorite classics. My fave contemporary would be "Harry Potter." I'm sure I'm forgetting some...what's your fave? 

That's a hard question for me too, I'm afraid... All time favourite? Hmm... I'd have to agree with you on Harry Potter and To Kill a Mockingbird. I'll probably add The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare and Stolen Songbird by Danielle Jensen to the list! Of course, there are many more... (which I'm too lazy to list out one by one). Just go to my Goodreads profile and look at the 5-star books in my shelf; there IS a lot.

Thanks for answering my questions, Diane!

You can find my review for Running from Romeo HERE.

And HERE is my review of Waiting for Romeo!

I certainly didn't forget the giveaway, if you were wondering!


DIANE MANNINO graduated from University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in English Literature. She is a former writer for Museum and Arts Washington and Star Magazine as well as several television shows, including, Inside Edition, American Journal, and E! News Daily. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two beautiful daughters. Running from Romeo is her first novel and she is currently working on the sequel.



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