
Friday, July 11, 2014

TGIF- Feature & Follow Friday #209

FEATURE & FOLLOW FRIDAY is a blog hop that is designed to provide as much exposure towards other bloggers as well as yourself, and to expand following. It's hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each whom feature a chosen blog for a week, it's also an interesting way to get to know one another bloggers.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: If you had a time machine (i.e. a TARDIS), where would you go?

I'd go back to the Roaring Twenties in the USA! That's the easiest answer!!! Also, I'd want to travel back to the 1940s, when World War II was going on so I could see Anne Frank and Hitler; even though it's awful-I know-I'd still love to study more about life then. I'm a history junkie, if you didn't already know :P

What about you? Comment below!!! Don't forget to comment if you are a new or old follower! 

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