
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Review:The Merman and The Moon Forgotten by Kevin Mcgill

The Merman and the Moon Forgotten (Nikolas and Company, Episode #1)Title: The Merman and The Moon Forgotten
Author: Kevin McGill
Publisher: Aero Studios
Release Date: 31st March 2012
Find on: Amazon, Goodreads

Quick Review: "A long time ago in a world not so far away…"
Senior stagecoach driver, Yeri Willrow, leads a group of mysterious passengers through one of the most fog-ridden night of his prestigious career. What he thought would be a simple drive and drop quickly turns into an attack by foul-breath, red-eyed creatures. Yeri learns that his mysterious passengers are a family of automaton-legged merfolk, and he is their only hope from the creature most foul.

"Sometime in the near future…"
Fourteen-year-old Nick lives in a time when one can zip from country to country in mach-speed hovercars, extend their life indefinitely through cerebral downloads, and have every whim taken care of by their ever faithful nannydrone.

Nick hates it. 

Aside from the refugee camps, overpopulation, and unchecked consumerism filling every city across the globe, Nick just doesn’t belong. That is when he hears the voice of a woman: 

“The Rones lie about their true intent. They enter the city of Huron at the peril of us all.” 

Shortly after, his slightly crazed grandfather reveals to him:

“All you’ve ever heard about the Moon is a lie, my dear Nikolas. He was not always a mere satellite, a ghost wandering the stars. In an age before our own, Moon was our twin, and in him bore the whole of magical life. The cradle of this magical civilization was a fantastic metropolis filled with fire-breathing winged lions, volcano-born nymphs, automaton-legged mermaids, and so much magic you could smell it. We called this city Huron, and you, Nikolas, are her steward.”

Detailed Review: <review copy received from the author himself>

Apparently all the good parts in the book have already been said up there, so I will talk about how it is good. There's nothing bad to say about this book, so you can guess what rating I'm giving this book. 

It's creative. I have never seen an author able to piece fantasy AND science fiction so perfectly. No flaws, just perfection. It's just plain genius of the author to think of such a plot. Nobody but him can think that Earth and the Moon are brother planets and people really live on the Moon, or Mon.

Here's some facts about Nikolas Lyons:

1. He's smart.
2. He likes to invent stuff, which mostly sets fire to things or literally explodes.
3. I love him. ( Cut out all the ews ok?) I just do.
4. He's MY hero.
5. He has a brother called Tim, who I find super annoying and feel like punching in the face every second he appears in the book. Can someone damn him to hell for that? Please? Then I can leave in peace. And whoever who does that will get their reward too. Fair?

Here are some other characters with descriptions according to Nick's computer recognition system.

Caroline Wendell: People only like Caroline because she can cook, from scratch, A rare commodity in this century. And for only a fourteen-year-old, she is a fantastic cook. Chocolate chip cookies after school, pie on Sundays, and a large bird called turkey for Thanksgiving. If boys won’t fancy her for her looks, they’ ll fancy her for her key lime pie.

Brandy Wendell: Brandy couldn’t be more different. Being the youngest sister, she hates to cook. Brandy claims that it keeps her from her number one love: looking cute. In defense, Brandy also explains that cooking keeps her from talking with her friends, all 372 of them to be
exact. Some people collect stamps; Brandy collects people.

Haley Wendell: Sixteen years old, enchanting blond hair and deep green eyes. Haley’s name is on the lips of every boy at the refugee camp, without any aid on her part. In fact, it takes a brave boy to ask her on a date, knowing that Haley has responded with more than a ‘no’. She verbally assaults would-be suitors, leaving only a scarred psyche for collection. Over Christmas break, Weaver High School’s basketball team, who had won 4 state championships in a row, made a bet as to whom she would say “yes” to first on the team. Every one of them stepped up and took their turn. She told them exactly what she thought. Not only did the basketball team not win state championship that year, the point guard asked to be transferred to another school because, and I quote from his Friendbook account, ‘I have serious questions about my own ability to dribble a ball, defend the basket, or lift a fork and put it in my mouth.’

Daniel Kobayashi: Nineteen-year-old Daniel Kobayashi is not much taller than a hobbit and  intelligent beyond his years. By the early age of ten, he had made the front cover of Japan’s  holopaper, ‘I’. They named him “Child Genius of The Year” for discovering the very first non-metal

magnet. That was until the genetic plague killed his mother, crippled him, and left him utterly hairless, which makes him more goblin than hobbit, I suppose.

Xanthus Kobayashi: Xanthus, Daniel’s half-brother, is thirteen years old. Xanthus explains to everyone that he received his name from a visit in the night by an African tribal leader indigenous to the Sub-Saharan, known for his powerful magic and warrior-like skills. This would be true if by “African tribal leader” he means ‘I live in my own fantasy world because I can’t cope with life at the

refugee camp.’ Xanthus’ pitiful faux hawk, his earring of a silver woman, and mismatched black outfit make for an awkward compilation.

The characters above, together with Nick's grandfather, also called Nick embark on a strange adventure that wasn't intended. I really can't wait for the 2nd book! Ahhhhh! I really want to know what happens next! AHC! AHC! AHC! AHC! (You should know what that means now, as introduced to you by Chloe.)

I can't say enough of what I think of this book. But this review is lengthy enough. I must stop to catch my breath. 

Brief Review: I'm glad that I agreed to review the book and the author had introduced me to it. This is definitely for fans of science fiction and fantasy. To me, every single word in the book meant a whole new thing to me as the story progressed. And there is a pretty huge cliffhanger at the end. Just saying.

Final Rating: 5/5 "Totally Amazing!"

Your Reviewer: 

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