
Friday, January 11, 2013

TGIF - Feature & Follow Friday #131

FEATURE & FOLLOW FRIDAY is a blog hop that is designed to provide as much exposure towards other bloggers as well as yourself, and to expand following. It's hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each whom feature a chosen blog for a week, it's also an interesting way to get to know one another bloggers.

If you could choose one supernatural being/creature to really exists what would it be and why? Ex. Fae {submitted by @seeingnight }

I don't know really... All of them seem really dangerous and risky. Imagine: 
Option A : Vampires
I don't think these creatures would be the supernatural being I would like well for one, they practically feed off humans 100%, no question and they'll be possibly 'snacking' us every few hours. I don't think I want the human population to die! So, no. 

Option B : Werewolves
We've already got enough trouble with vampires so I'm also guessing no. Why? Well, werewolves are supposedly 'repulsive' creatures that got a thing for meat and flesh. Yuck! Plus changing humans into more werewolves is going to be wayyy troubling. I mean, imagine the fights that would break out?!? 

Option C : Faeries
I think I'm going for faeries. Seem safe plus I would love faeries like Tinkerbell which are much better than the others unless you have faeries that are from Lament or Ballad by Maggie Stiefavter (Luke!) - definitely NOT those kinda fae but Tinkerbell. Much calmer, no? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Now I feel REALLY guilty for choosing vampire - I don't want the human population to die!

    New GFC follower - My FF

  3. I almost went with vampires ~ if I got to be one too ~ but yeah, they can be totally whacked.. I didn't even think of Faeries... Great choice! *New Follower*

    My FF

    Happy Reading :)

    Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind

  4. Both are awesome!

    New GFC Follower.:)

    Click HERE for my FF.

    Louisse @ The Soul Sisters

  5. i had alot of trouble deciding too ! good picks tough ! * old follower* Check out my FF ~ Katie @ Inkk
