
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review: Eve & Adam by Michael Grant & Katherine Applegate

Title: Eve & Adam
Author: Michael Grant & Katherine Applegate
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Release Date: October 2nd 2012
Find on: AmazonGoodreads

Quick Review: 

And girl created boy…

In the beginning, there was an apple—

And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker’s head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother’s research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

Just when Eve thinks she will die—not from her injuries, but from boredom—her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect... won’t he?

Detailed Review: Like every other sci-fi story, it consisted of machines and such - I really loved the setting and the characters in the story that has erupted into a book! In the start of the book, we learn that Eve was in an accident and was recently moved to a nearby hospital. She was then visited urgently by her mother to transport her daughter to her own research facility. 

She was then moved to the facility called Spiker Biopharmaceuticals. At the same time she meets Solo. During this part I was practically disappointed in Solo. Why? Read on. 

'I sit with my elbow on my knees, trying to hunch my shoulders forward a little. I have good shoulders, might as well reveal them, I know she's checking me out. Fair enough, because I'm checking her out.
"Ah ahhh ahhhh!"
Eve cries out suddenly. She's in pain. Bad pain. So it's possible she's not really checking me out.'

I wanted to scream at Solo. I mean, the girl is in pain! Obviously she wasn't checking him out. If this was sarcasm, I didn't laugh cause hey, who's checking who out. 

Definitely bad sarcasm. 

EVE; girl with super powers (yeah, you heard me! Super powers) who's no better than test subjects being injected with chemicals daily by her own mother. Her whole life with a power to regenerate any part of her body that's broken, bled, pierced - she's almost invincible! With her hands and mind, she creates the perfect boy - only it's not that hard. Is it? 

SOLO; boy with amazing blue eyes, issues and sarcasm (hopefully putting a stop to that), he's the person Eve wants. Even with a sad past and a personality that needs to be checked every few minutes, he's still wants what he can't have - Eve or can he? 

ADAM; supposedly beautiful, intelligent and perfect - (except bravery) he's a creation by Evening Spiker, daughter of a research facility which built him - is there really something he wants or is he just plain ignorant when he starts to fall for Eve's bestfriend, Aislin. 

Michael Grant's and Katherine Applegate's writing were both a very unique and easy-going. The cover looks great (sucker, here!) I thought the plot was overall OK. Could have been better if more pages suddenly appeared. To me the book ended so abruptly that the ending didn't really feel like the ending. 

Adam was really funny in the last chapter but it was definitely better than Solo mooning over Eve at the  back of an ambulance. 

'I saw a bit of gore when I was at the hospital, so I'm a little less squeamish than I used to be. Still, seeing brains on the floor isn't easy. 
Adam takes one look and practically swoons. Aislin holds him up and gives me a look. 
"Yeah, well, I didn't focus on physical bravery all that much,"I admit. "But he'll be kind and nice and gentle." 
"Could be worse," Aislin says.' 

Yeah, could be worse. If you guys didn't think this was funny. Don't think me crazy or anything but imagine Adam passed out every time he sees blood or a bit of something gory. I wasn't very keen on the other part -brains?- totally. 

So, for the time being - I'm sticking with 3 stars on this one. If a sequel comes out, I'll still buy it! But there won't be, so I'm kinda not pleased or happy with the ending. 

Brief Review: Eve & Adam was an interesting sci-fi story that twisted the logic of life and death. Grant's and Applegate's writing was very straight-on, easy to read but it could have been better as the plot ravaged on with Eve, Solo and Adam! 

My Rating: 3/5   "Quite Liked" 

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