
Thursday, December 27, 2012

TGIF - Feature & Follow Friday #129

FEATURE & FOLLOW FRIDAY is a blog hop that is designed to provide as much exposure towards other bloggers as well as yourself, and to expand following. It's hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each whom feature a chosen blog for a week, it's also an interesting way to get to know one another bloggers.

What book do you think everyone should read? If you could gift the entire population with one book? 

This is a pretty hard question. Hmm... I don't really - it all depends on the culture and what type of book everyone is interested in... so I guess the book that I chose is... The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern! I don't know why but it's a book that I would love to share to the world! 

If you haven't read it, you should - it's one of most fav books! 


  1. I haven't read this book, but is it a little like Pantomime, it is an upcoming book that I'm interested in.
    New follower btw :D
    Check out my blog!!!
    Q: What book do you think everyone should read? If you could gift the entire population with one book?

  2. This summer I saw this book around a lot! I was very tempted to buy it and I guess I should - everyone says it's fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing!
    My FF @ Sara In Bookland

    1. Well you should read it! It's a very good book :)

  3. I *almost* chose this one myself, but since I've been posting about it non-stop in almost every meme this past month, I thought I'd go with something else, LOL!

    I'm a new follower!

    Bree @ Coffee Bean Bookshelf

  4. I've seen The Night Circus on a few posts, today. I haven't read the book, though. I should move it up my TBR list :)

  5. I haven't read this book yet, but I'm planning to read it soon! :)

    New GFC follower! :D
    F&F from Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  6. I haven't read that book yet, but I think I will :)

    I'm a new follower via bloglovin' and I also added both of you to my Linky.

    You can find my FF post at (un)Conventional Bookviews.

    have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I want to read this book so bad, but I just haven't had the time. Hopefully I can find time to squeeze it in soon! Great choice :)

    Here's my FF!

  8. I've heard really outstanding things about this book, but I haven't read it yet. I may have to get to it soon! I'm an old follower. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I will be adding it to my TBR list. I am a new follower thanks to FF.
    I love the sprinkles on your webpage when you scroll over different links and tabs.
    Jessica at FueledbyFiction
